Tutorials Hut

  • Testing Foundation

      Basics of Software Testing
       What is Software Testing?
       Objective of Testing
       Why is testing necessary?
       Common Terms used in Testing
       Verification Vs Validations
       QA Vs QC
       Debugging Vs Testing
       Seven Testing Principles
       SDLC Vs STLC
       Fundamentals of Test Process
       Software quality Factors
       Software Development Models
       Waterfall Model
       V models
       Iterative Model
       Test Levels
       Component Testing
       Integration Testing
       System Testing
       Acceptance Testing
       Strategies for Integration Testing
       Big Bang
       Stubs and Driver
       Top Down Testing
       Bottom Up Testing
       Test Types
       Functional Testing
       Non- Functional Testing
       Structural Testing
       Re-testing & Regression Testing
       Static AND Dynamic Techniques
       Static Technique
       Dynamic Technique
       Static Analysis by Tools
       White Box Techniques
       Statement Coverage Testing
       Branch Coverage Testing
       Decision Coverage Testing
       Path Coverage
       Black Box Techniques
       Equivalence Partitioning
       Boundary Value Analysis
       Decision Table testing
       State Transition testing
       Experience Based TestingTechniques
       Random Testing
       Exploratory Testing
       Error Guessing
       Functional Testing
       Integration Testing
       Unit Testing
       System Testing
       Smoke testing
       Sanity testing
       Regression Testing
       Usability Testing
       Security Testing
       User Acceptance Testing
       White Box & Black Box Testing
       Globalization & Localization Testing
       Non Functional Testing
       Compatibility testing
       Endurance testing
       Load testing
       Performance testing
       Recovery testing
       Scalability testing
       Stress testing
       Volume testing
       Test Planning and Estimation
       Test Planning
       Test Strategies Vs Test Plan
       Test Approaches
       Risk and Testing
       Product Risks
       Project Risks
       Defect Management
       Defect LifeCycle
       Severity Vs Priority
  • Smoke testing vs Sanity testing vs
    Regression testing

    This article will present you with a complete idea about Smoke testing , Sanity testing and Regression testing

    We will learn below topics in this article

      1. What is Smoke Testing?
      2. When do we do smoke testing?
      3. What is Sanity Testing?
      4. When do we perform sanity testing?
      5. What is regression Testing?
      6. When to perform Regression Testing 
      7. Why is Regression Testing important?
    Smoke testing vs Sanity Testing vs Regression testing

    Smoke Testing

        • Smoke Testing is a Build Verification Testing
        • A type of software testing that comprises of a non- exhaustive set of tests that aim at ensuring that the most important functions work.
        • Initial testing process exercised to check whether the software under test is ready/stable for further testing
        • Smoke testing decide whether deployed build is stable or not as to confirm if the QA team can proceed with further testing.

    When do we do smoke testing??

    Whenever the new functionalities of software are developed and integrated with existing build that is deployed in QA environment. Smoke testing ensures that all critical functionalities are working correctly or not.

    Sanity Testing

        • The main Objective of Sanity testing to validate the planned functionality is working as expected.
        • Sanity Testing is a subset of Regression Testing and performed when we do not have enough time for doing testing
        • Objective is to verify that each functionality is working as expected.
        • Sanity Testing is performed for those builds which have gone through many regression tests and has come after a minor change in code.
        • Sanity Testing is not a planned testing and is done only when there’s a time crunch.

    When do we perform sanity testing??

        • Bug fixing.
        • Before the deployment of the production.
        • When we get build after many regressions even if minor change.

    Regression Testing

        • Regression means the return of a bug.
        • Testing performed to find the regressions in the system after doing any changes in the product.
        • If a piece of code of a software is modified , testing needs to be performed to ensure that it works as specified and that it has not negatively impacted any functionality that it offered previously.

    When to perform Regression Testing ??

        • Change in requirements and code
        • New feature is added to the software
        • Defect fixing

    Why is Regression Testing important?

        • Any Software change can cause existing functionality to break.
        • Changes to a Software component could impact dependent Components.
        • It is commonly observed that a Software fix could cause other bugs.
        • All this affects the quality and reliability of the system.
       Recommended Articles:

  • Testing Foundation

      Basics of Software Testing
       What is Software Testing?
       Objective of Testing
       Why is testing necessary?
       Common Terms used in Testing
       Verification Vs Validations
       QA Vs QC
       Debugging Vs Testing
       Seven Testing Principles
       SDLC Vs STLC
       Fundamentals of Test Process
       Software quality Factors
       Software Development Models
       Waterfall Model
       V models
       Iterative Model
       Test Levels
       Component Testing
       Integration Testing
       System Testing
       Acceptance Testing
       Strategies for Integration Testing
       Big Bang
       Stubs and Driver
       Top Down Testing
       Bottom Up Testing
       Test Types
       Functional Testing
       Non- Functional Testing
       Structural Testing
       Re-testing & Regression Testing
       Static AND Dynamic Techniques
       Static Technique
       Dynamic Technique
       Static Analysis by Tools
       White Box Techniques
       Statement Coverage Testing
       Branch Coverage Testing
       Decision Coverage Testing
       Path Coverage
       Black Box Techniques
       Equivalence Partitioning
       Boundary Value Analysis
       Decision Table testing
       State Transition testing
       Experience Based TestingTechniques
       Random Testing
       Exploratory Testing
       Error Guessing
       Functional Testing
       Integration Testing
       Unit Testing
       System Testing
       Smoke testing
       Sanity testing
       Regression Testing
       Usability Testing
       Security Testing
       User Acceptance Testing
       White Box & Black Box Testing
       Globalization & Localization Testing
       Non Functional Testing
       Compatibility testing
       Endurance testing
       Load testing
       Performance testing
       Recovery testing
       Scalability testing
       Stress testing
       Volume testing
       Test Planning and Estimation
       Test Planning
       Test Strategies Vs Test Plan
       Test Approaches
       Risk and Testing
       Product Risks
       Project Risks
       Defect Management
       Defect LifeCycle
       Severity Vs Priority

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