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Author Posting Guidelines
Hi there,
Thanks for your interest in the Tutorials Hut blogs/tutorials.
We welcome guest posts because it allow us to provide a diverse range of topics and expert insights for our readers.We will try to publish blogs as long as it’s useful and informative.
You can write on any topic it .Just for example: about power point, excels, finance topics, general knowledge.
About the Tutorials Hut Blogs
We have created this platform to include tutorials /blogs about any topic that would be useful for our readers.
Our audience
We mainly focus on but not limited to Students, professionals.
Our Policy on Guest Post:
Please follow below guidelines to ensure that your post gets approved.
- Tutorials Hut does not accept previously published, sponsored, or overly promotional content.
- Tutorials Hut only accepts posts that are timely, accurate, original, and resonate with our audience.
- Articles should be a minimum of 500 words long and free of grammatical errors.
- In case you are adding images, please make sure you own the image or have permission to use it to avoid copy right issue.
- Our Tutorials Hut team reserves the right to edit, adapt, update, and republish contributions at their discretion.
- In rare cases, contributed posts (guest posts) may be removed from the blog.
- You are not allowed to promote and/or advertise any particular product or service.
- No promotional links (meaning links to your site, your company’s site, or your client’s site) may be included in the article itself.
- Content should not have any business relationship to any site linked to in the body of your post.
- The links/Videos must also be relevant to the audience here.
Author Bio:
- Please include a short author bio with your post of about 2 lines.
- We will add author name to the post.
We respect everyone’s work so please do not copy others content. We will instantly ban and removal of all your blog posts from TutorialsHut if the content is copied from some other sources.Also, by submitting a post to TutorialsHut, you give us copyright ownership of the post.This helps us to deal with any DMCA related issues.
Comments are the conversations about your published article. Feel free to answer any queries related to your article via the comments.
How to pitch to us
We would love to get guest posts. Here are some best practices that will help us to respond to you faster and, if your topic is a go, get it published sooner.
Please drop us an email with below :
Tell us about yourself. If you have a specific experience or expertise that makes you the person to write this post, tell us! Include [GUEST POST] in your subject line. It seriously helps! What we need in your guest post Once we agree on a topic and you get the go-ahead to start writing, keep these tips in mind:
Adequate length: >500 words please! Images- please make sure you own the image or have permission to use it to avoid copy right issue.Screenshots of a process you are describing to make it more clear. Real-world examples of the strategy you are describing.
Email TutorialsHut at and please perpend your subject line with [GUEST POST].
Thank you!