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  • What is Database ? Difference between
    DBMS and RDBMS

     A database is a collection of information that is organised so that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated.

    • It can be accessed or stored at the computer system. It can be managed through Database management system (DBMS).
    • It refers to related data, which is in a structured form.
    • It contain several tables, which may each include several fields/values.
    • For example all e-commerce or dynamic websites uses databases to store product inventory and customer information.
    • By storing website data in a database, the data can be easily searched, sorted, and updated.

    Most popular types of database :

    database Types
      1. Flat
      2. Relational database management systems
      3. Dimensional
      4. NoSQL and object-oriented database

    What is DBMS?

      • DBMS is a collection of programs for managing data and simultaneously it supports different types of users to create, manage, retrieve, update and store information.
      • This essentially serves as an interface between databases and end users or application programs, ensuring that data is consistently organized and remains easily accessible.
      • For example, from a small startup firm to the multinational companies , managing a huge amount of data becomes a difficult task. hence ,  the software like the DBMS brought a revolution in many fields regarding efficient information management.

    Components of a DBMS?

    What is RDBMS?

      • The standard for relational database management systems (RDBMS)
      • A database management system that manages data as a collection of tables in which all relationships are represented by common values in related tables.
      • Data in RDBMS is stored and sorted in the form of rows, columns (also called tuples and attribute in the DBMS language).

    Difference between DBMS and RDBMS

    Data stored as a file. Data is stored in the form of tables.
    DBMS supports a single user. RDBMS supports multiple users.
    Data stores either in either a navigational or hierarchical form. RDBMS uses tabular structures to store data, headers are the column names and the rows contains  values.
    The database does not support normalisation. It supports the normalisation and joining of tables.
    Does not support a distributed database. Supports a distributed database.
    Does not support client-server architecture. Support client-server architecture.
    No relationship between the data value Data relationship with the help of foreign keys
    Low software and hardware High software and specialised DB hardware
    DBMS was not made to handle a huge amount of data. RDBMS can actually handle a very high amount of data.
    Lack of security in the DBMS model of storing data, More security of the data stored as several log files created
    Example-XML,file system, etc. Example- MYSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, etc
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