Tutorials Hut

  • Unix For Testers

       Introduction to Unix
       Unix System Architecture
       Unix File System Structure
       Absolute and Relative Path
       Basic Unix Commands
       cal command in Unix
       who command in Unix
       date command in Unix
       clear command in Unix
       more command in Unix
       whoami command in Unix
       uname command in Unix
       man command in Unix
       echo command in Unix
       Unix File System Commands
       ls command in Unix
       cat command in Unix
       cp command in Unix
       mv command in Unix
       pwd command in Unix
       cd command in Unix
       mkdir command in Unix
       rmdir command in Unix
       rm command in Unix
       touch command in Unix
       dirname command in Unix
       tar command in Unix
       Unix Links(ln)
       Hard Link
       Soft Link
       Regular Expressions
        Basic Regular Expressions
       Interval Regular Expressions
       Pipes and Filters
       Unix Text Processing Commands
       cmp command in Unix
       diff command in Unix
       comm command in Unix
       cut command in Unix
       Paste command in Unix
       head command in Unix
       tail command in Unix
       wc command in Unix
       sort command in Unix
       grep command in Unix
       Process Related Command
       top command in Unix
       ps command in Unix
       nice command in Unix
       Kill command in Unix
       nohup command in Unix
       time command in Unix
       File Tranfer Commands in Unix
       file transfer using scp command
       file transfer using rlogin command
       file transfer using telnet command
       ssh(Secure Shell) command in Unix
       ftp file transfer command
       sftp file transfer command
       chmod command in Unix
       File Permission and File Security in Unix

  • Regular Expressions/ Regex Unix

    • Regular expressions in Unix is a pattern consisting of a sequence of characters that is matched against the text.Mostly grep command is used in conjugation with regex.
    • Regex in Unix evaluates text against the pattern, if they match, the expression is true and a command is

    In this article , we will cover below topics:

    What is Regex in Unix?

    • Used when one wants to search for specific lines of text containing a particular pattern
    • String of ordinary and metacharacter which can be used to match more than one type of pattern
    • Used in grep, egrep, awk, vi, sed etc. to match a group of similar patterns.

    Some examples of metacharacters are:

    [ ], ^, $, { }, ., etc

    Grep with regex

    SYNTAX :
    grep [option...] pattern [file...]
    regular expressions unix/ regex

    Basic  Regular Expressions Unix:

    Expression             Use

    [ ]:                                Matches any one of a set characters
    [ ] with hyphen:    Matches any one of a range characters
    ^:                                 The pattern following it must occur at the beginning of each line
    ^ with [ ] :                The pattern must not contain any character in the set specified
    $:                                  The pattern preceding it must occur at the end of each line
    . (dot):                       Matches any one character
    \ (backslash):        Ignores the special meaning of the character following it
    *:                                  zero or more occurrences of the previous character
    (dot).*:                      Nothing or any numbers of characters.

    Examples of Basic  regular expressions with grep command:

      1.  [ ] 

      • Matches any one of a set characters in the text.
      • The character set to be used in the matching process is enclosed in brackets.
      • A range of text characters is indicated by a dash (-). [a-d]


    $grep  “Test[abc]”  filename

    Search pattern will be:

    Testa , Testb or Testc

          2. Use [ ] with hyphen/ dash

      • Matches any one of a range characters


    $grep  “Test[1-5]” filename

    It specifies the search pattern as

    Test1 , Test2, Test3 , Test4, Test5

         3.  Use ^

      • The pattern following it must occur at the beginning of each line
    $grep  “^Test”  filename

    Search lines beginning with Test. 

    Search pattern will be like:

    Testing ,Testers, Testable, Tester etc.

    $ls –l |grep  “^d” 

    Display list of directories only

    $ls –l |grep  “^-” 

    Display list of regular files only

         4. Use ^ in [ ]

      • The pattern must not contain any character in the set specified
    $grep  “Test[^a-c]”  filename

    It specifies the pattern having word “Test” followed by any character other than an ‘a’,’b’, or ‘c’

         5. Use $

      • The pattern preceding it must occur at the end of each line
    $grep "ing$" filename

    Search pattern will be like:

    Testing ,eating, sitting etc.

         6.  Use . (dot)

      • Matches any one character
    $grep ".est" filename

         7. Use \ (backslash)

      • Ignores the special meaning of the character following it
    $grep "Test\.\[abc\]" file.txt

    It specifies the search pattern as Test.[abc]

    $grep "M\.A" file.txt

    It specifies the search pattern as


        8. Use *

      • zero or more occurrences of the previous character
    $grep "[aA]gg*[ar]wal" filename

       9.  Use (dot).*

      • Nothing or any numbers of characters.
    $grep "M.*A" filename

    Interval Regular Expressions Unix

    • tell us about the number of occurrences of a character in a string.

    Expression                    Use
    {n}                                     Matches the preceding character appearing ‘n’ times exactly
    {n,m}                                Matches the preceding character or expression immediately before appearing ‘n’ times but not more than m
    {n, }                                  Matches the preceding character only when it appears ‘n’ times or more
    \+                                       Matches previous character one or more times
    \?                                       Matches previous character 0(zero) or one time only

    1. Use {n}

      • Matches the preceding character appearing ‘n’ times exactly

    $ cat test.txt

    $cat test.txt | grep -E t\{2}
    Output: Sitting

    2. Use {n,m}

      • Matches the preceding character appearing ‘n’ times  but not appearing more than m times

    $ cat test.txt

    $cat test.txt | grep -E t\{2,3}
    Output: fitting

    2. Use \+

      • Matches previous character one or more times

    $ cat test.txt

    filter out lines where character ‘i’ precedes character ‘t’

    $ cat test.txt | grep "i\+t"

    Some practical example for regex:

    1. Matching a word by ignoring its case

    $ grep "[Tt]utor"

    2. Matching mobile number using regex with grep
    3. Match email-address

    $ grep -E "[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}"

    4. Finding files with a particular extension

    $ ls -l | grep '.csv$'

    For more on regex refer here

  • Unix For Testers

       Introduction to Unix
       Unix System Architecture
       Unix File System Structure
       Absolute and Relative Path
       Basic Unix Commands
       cal command in Unix
       who command in Unix
       date command in Unix
       clear command in Unix
       more command in Unix
       whoami command in Unix
       uname command in Unix
       man command in Unix
       echo command in Unix
       Unix File System Commands
       ls command in Unix
       cat command in Unix
       cp command in Unix
       mv command in Unix
       pwd command in Unix
       cd command in Unix
       mkdir command in Unix
       rmdir command in Unix
       rm command in Unix
       touch command in Unix
       dirname command in Unix
       tar command in Unix
       Unix Links(ln)
       Hard Link
       Soft Link
       Regular Expressions
        Basic Regular Expressions
       Interval Regular Expressions
       Pipes and Filters
       Unix Text Processing Commands
       cmp command in Unix
       diff command in Unix
       comm command in Unix
       cut command in Unix
       Paste command in Unix
       head command in Unix
       tail command in Unix
       wc command in Unix
       sort command in Unix
       grep command in Unix
       Process Related Command
       top command in Unix
       ps command in Unix
       nice command in Unix
       Kill command in Unix
       nohup command in Unix
       time command in Unix
       File Tranfer Commands in Unix
       file transfer using scp command
       file transfer using rlogin command
       file transfer using telnet command
       ssh(Secure Shell) command in Unix
       ftp file transfer command
       sftp file transfer command
       chmod command in Unix
       File Permission and File Security in Unix

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