Tutorials Hut

  • Katalon Studio

       Katalon Studio Features and Setup
       What is Katalon Studio?
       Katalon Features
       Katalon SetUp
       Katalon Studio Toolbars and Views
       Katalon Main Toolbar
       Test Explorer in Katalon
       Keywords Browser in Katalon
       Editors/Views in Katalon
       Create Test Case in Katalon Studio
       Steps to create Test case
       Record and Play in Katalon
       Manual Mode in Katalon
       Script Mode in Katalon
       Test Suite in Katalon Studio
       What is a test suite?
       Steps to create test suite
       Test suite execution settings
       Test Suite Collection in Katalon Studio
       What is a test suite Collection?
       Steps to create test suite Collection
       Test suite Collection execution settings
       Execution Profile in Katalon Studio
       Create New Profile in Katalon
       How To Use Profile in Katalon
       Set Default Profile in Katalon
       Data Driven testing in Katalon Studio
       Global Variables in Katalon
       Test Case Variables in Katalon
       Data files and Binding
       Using custom keywords to Read Files in Katalon
       Data files/Read Files in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from excel file in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from CSV file in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from internal files in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from Database in Katalon
       Data Binding of test cases in Katalon Studio
       Import Test Data from External Excel/ CSV file
       How to create a Test Suite?
       Manage Data Binding to Test suite
       Test Listener/Hooks in Katalon Studio
       What are Test Listeners in Katalon?
       How to create new Test Listeners
       Execution With Test Listener example and flow

  • Data Binding to run test case from external files in Katalon

    Katalon Studio provides the ability to execute automation tests with external data sources like excel files, csv files. This can be achieved by first importing the external files and then Data binding of this data with the test cases.

    Data Binding in Katalon Studio_1

    Import Test Data from External Excel/ CSV  file in Katalon Studio

    • Data is maintained in external files that can be Excel or CSV.
    • First these files need to be imported in the Katalon project to use them in the Data Binding.
      You can refer to the full steps here .
    export data from external file_Katalon Studio

    Create a New Test Suite in Katalon Studio

    • Test suite is a collection of Test Cases that are arranged logically. Test cases that are grouped together can be different or duplicate.
      For complete steps to create a Test suite refer here.
    • Open a Test Suite, select Add button .
    • All test cases in Katalon Studio will be displayed in the Test Case Browser dialog.
      Below is an example for same:
    test cases added to test suite_Katalon Studio_3

    Test Case that we are using for Demo:

    String testcaseName = TestCaseName;
    System.out.println("Travelling from: "+departure+" Tracvelling to: "+destination+" passenger name: "+Name +" with Address: "+Address);

    Manage Data Binding of Test suite in Katalon Studio

      1. In the test suite editor, click Show Data Binding to expand the Data Binding section with the Test Data and Variable Binding tables.
    Show Data binding_Katalon Studio_4

    2. In the Test Data table, select Add > select the data to be used for execution from Test Data Browser Dialog box > the selected test data are added to the list accordingly

    Data binding_Katalon Studio

    3.In the Data Binding table which displays all variables of the selected test case, select all rows > choose Set Type > select Data Column as their types.

    Default display:

    Variable Binding_Data binding_Katalon Studio

    4. Click Set Test Data to decide which test data from the list to be used for execution.

    5. Click each cell in the Value column to specify the data field in the selected data file. 

    The final variable binding will display as below:

    Variable Binding_Data binding_Katalon Studio_7
    Data binding_Katalon Studio

    6. After finishing all the steps above, save and run your test suite to see the following result:

    Output_Data binding_Katalon Studio

    Test case is executed with different set of external data that is binded to the test case.

    Map All button: can quickly map the public variables of the selected test case with respective columns in the test data. To automatically bind the variable to the data, the variables and the respective columns in Test Data should share the same name.

    MapAll_Data binding_Katalon Studio

  • Katalon Studio

       What is Katalon Studio?
       Katalon Features
       Katalon SetUp
       Katalon Studio Toolbars and Views
       Katalon Main Toolbar
       Test Explorer in Katalon
       Keywords Browser in Katalon
       Editors/Views in Katalon
       Create Test Case in Katalon Studio
       Steps to create Test case
       Record and Play in Katalon
       Manual Mode in Katalon
       Script Mode in Katalon
       Test Suite in Katalon Studio
       What is a test suite?
       Steps to create test suite
       Test suite execution settings
       Test Suite Collection in Katalon Studio
       What is a test suite Collection?
       Steps to create test suite Collection
       Test suite Collection execution settings
       Execution Profile in Katalon Studio
       Create New Profile in Katalon
       How To Use Profile in Katalon
       Set Default Profile in Katalon
       Data Driven testing in Katalon Studio
       Global Variables in Katalon
       Test Case Variables in Katalon
       Data files and Binding
       Using custom keywords to Read Files in Katalon
       Data files/Read Files in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from excel file in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from CSV file in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from internal files in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from Database in Katalon
       Data Binding of test cases in Katalon Studio
       Import Test Data from External Excel/ CSV file
       How to create a Test Suite?
       Manage Data Binding to Test suite
       Test Listener/Test Hooks in Katalon Studio
       What are Test Listeners in Katalon?
       How to create new Test Listeners
       Execution With Test Listener example and flow

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