Tutorials Hut

  • Katalon Studio

       Katalon Studio Features and Setup
       What is Katalon Studio?
       Katalon Features
       Katalon SetUp
       Katalon Studio Toolbars and Views
       Katalon Main Toolbar
       Test Explorer in Katalon
       Keywords Browser in Katalon
       Editors/Views in Katalon
       Create Test Case in Katalon Studio
       Steps to create Test case
       Record and Play in Katalon
       Manual Mode in Katalon
       Script Mode in Katalon
       Test Suite in Katalon Studio
       What is a test suite?
       Steps to create test suite
       Test suite execution settings
       Test Suite Collection in Katalon Studio
       What is a test suite Collection?
       Steps to create test suite Collection
       Test suite Collection execution settings
       Execution Profile in Katalon Studio
       Create New Profile in Katalon
       How To Use Profile in Katalon
       Set Default Profile in Katalon
       Data Driven testing in Katalon Studio
       Global Variables in Katalon
       Test Case Variables in Katalon
       Data files and Binding
       Using custom keywords to Read Files in Katalon
       Data files/Read Files in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from excel file in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from CSV file in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from internal files in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from Database in Katalon
       Data Binding of test cases in Katalon Studio
       Import Test Data from External Excel/ CSV file
       How to create a Test Suite?
       Manage Data Binding to Test suite
       Test Listener/Hooks in Katalon Studio
       What are Test Listeners in Katalon?
       How to create new Test Listeners
       Execution With Test Listener example and flow

  • Katalon Studio ToolBars and Editors/Views

    This article is about toolbars in Katalon Studio. Also it will make you familiarize with various terms used in Katalon and while working with it.

    Katalon Studio Main ToolBar

    The Main Toolbar in Katalon contains the most frequently used commands and action while automation.

    Main Toolbar is Quick Access Toolbar which Contains most commonly performed actions.

    Icon Function
    Save To Save current opened artifact
    Save All To Save all artifacts
    TestOps Katalon TestOps is a cloud based service
    Git Git related commands like clone, branch, pull, push etc.
    New- Test Case/ Folder/Test Suite etc. To add a new test case, folder, Test Suite, Test Suite Collection, Test Object, Keyword, Checkpoint etc. Note: in few newer version this sign is not available, this can be achieved by clicking on File-> New
    Spy Web Web Object Spy to capture elements on the web. 
    Record Web Record Web for recording web UI test cases
    Spy Mobile Spy Mobile to capture elements on mobile. 
    Record Mobile Record Mobile for recording Mobile UI test cases
    Spy Window Spy Window object
    Record Window Record Window Action
    Build CMD Build CMD to generate command to run from command prompt
    Run Run the current test case.Test case can be executed in any browser by selecting the browser clicking down arrow.
    Debug Debug the current test case. Note: Debug is enabled for enterprise version only.
    Stop Stop the ongoing execution
    Cloud Store project code to cloud
    Profiles Select execution profile. This profile is applied to the test cases during execution.
    User details Logged in user, options to manage plugins, reload plugins, deactivate user etc.

    Katalon Studio Test Explorer

    Test Explorer in Katalon is on the left side of the screen and is used to manage and organize test.

    Name Description
    Profiles Displays all execution profile for the current project
    Test Cases Displays all test cases created in current project
    Object Repository Displays all the elements saved in the current project 
    Test Suites Displays all Test suites and Test suite  collections
    Data Files Displays all the test data files used in current project
    Checkpoints Displays all the checkpoints in current project
    Keywords Displays all the keywords in current project
    Test Listeners Displays the Test listeners created in current project
    Reports Displays all the reports generated for current project
    Include It contains cucumber feature file and Step Definitions
    Plugins Displays all the plugins installed.

    Keywords Browser in Katalon Studio

    It displays all available keywords supported by Katalon Studio. Quick Access Keywords can be used directly in test cases by drag and drop.

    EDITORS/Views in Katalon Studio

    Editors display the information of the object.When an object like test case or test suite is clicked , it opens in an editor window which displays the details that it contains and allows you to edit it as per your requirement.

    Katalon has many editors. Following are the editors in katalon Studio:

    Test Case Editor View

    When you create and open a test case, it opens an editor that has following tabs:

      • Manual tab – directly use add button to add actions and steps in the test
      • Script tab – you can use programming language (java/groovy)
      • Variables tab – variables used in test case are stored here
      • Integration tab 
      • Properties tab – shows all properties of test case

    Web Service Editor View

    For API testing we use rest or soap calls.For this Katalon has following:
     RESTFUL request editor

    • Select the request from the drop down(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH etc.)
    • Enter the URL
    • Enter query parameters.
    • At the bottom of the editor there is option to HTTP Header, HTTP Body etc.
    • You can add them as per your web service and then click on Test request button next to the URL.
    • Once the web service is executed the response is generated in the response window.


    • SOAP request editor

    Test Suite Editor View

    Test suites is a collection of test cases. When you open a test suite,Test Suite editor that contains the following tabs:

    • Main tab
    • Integration tab

    Test Suite Collection Editor View

    • Test Suite Collection contains set of test suites.
    • User can execute test suites together.
    • Different suite can be run in different browsers.You can also add same suite multiple times and execute on different browsers.

  • Katalon Studio

       What is Katalon Studio?
       Katalon Features
       Katalon SetUp
       Katalon Studio Toolbars and Views
       Katalon Main Toolbar
       Test Explorer in Katalon
       Keywords Browser in Katalon
       Editors/Views in Katalon
       Create Test Case in Katalon Studio
       Steps to create Test case
       Record and Play in Katalon
       Manual Mode in Katalon
       Script Mode in Katalon
       Test Suite in Katalon Studio
       What is a test suite?
       Steps to create test suite
       Test suite execution settings
       Test Suite Collection in Katalon Studio
       What is a test suite Collection?
       Steps to create test suite Collection
       Test suite Collection execution settings
       Execution Profile in Katalon Studio
       Create New Profile in Katalon
       How To Use Profile in Katalon
       Set Default Profile in Katalon
       Data Driven testing in Katalon Studio
       Global Variables in Katalon
       Test Case Variables in Katalon
       Data files and Binding
       Using custom keywords to Read Files in Katalon
       Data files/Read Files in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from excel file in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from CSV file in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from internal files in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from Database in Katalon
       Data Binding of test cases in Katalon Studio
       Import Test Data from External Excel/ CSV file
       How to create a Test Suite?
       Manage Data Binding to Test suite
       Test Listener/Test Hooks in Katalon Studio
       What are Test Listeners in Katalon?
       How to create new Test Listeners
       Execution With Test Listener example and flow

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