Tutorials Hut

  • Cypress tutorials

  • Assertions in cypress

    Assertion is used to verify a state of elements, objects and application that as per functionality is true.Assertions in Cypress are used to verify whether the application under test is working as expected.

    • Cypress provides a rich set of assertion functions that can be used to test various aspects of the application such as checking if an element is visible, if the expected text is present on the page, if an element has a particular CSS class, if an event has been triggered, and so on.
    • Cypress commands automatically retry their assertions. The assertion behavior can be modified as per the use case.

    Cypress gives a rich assertion facility as it bundles Chai, Chai-jQuery to provide built-in assertions.
    In this tutorial we will discuss below topics:


    Assertion in cypress

    Chai Assertions:

    While Mocha provides us a framework to structure the tests using it , describe etc., Chai gives us the ability to easily write assertions. 

    Chai gives us readable assertions with excellent error messages.

    Writing Assertions

    There are two ways to write assertions in Cypress:

      • Implicit Assertion: Using .should() or .and().
      • Explicit Assertion: Using expect.

     Implicit Assertions

    .should() or .and() commands are usually used for  assertions in Cypress. 

    Implicit assertion is applicable to the object obtained from the parent command in a chain.

    should Assertion Cypress

    Here are some examples of commonly used assertion functions in Cypress:

    Checking if an element is visible

    This assertion checks whether the element with id “my-element” is visible on the page. If the element is not visible, the test will fail.

    Checking if an element has a particular text

    cy.get('#my-element').should('have.text', 'Hello World');
    This assertion checks whether the element with id “my-element” has the text “Hello World”. If the element does not have the expected text, the test will fail.

    Checking if an element has a particular CSS class

    cy.get('#my-element').should('have.class', 'active');
    This assertion checks whether the element with id “my-element” has the CSS class “active”. If the element does not have the expected class, the test will fail.

    Checking if an event has been triggered

    cy.get('#my-element').should('have.text', 'Button clicked');
    This assertion checks whether the element with id “my-element” has the text “Button clicked” after the button with id “my-button” is clicked. If the text does not change as expected, the test will fail.

    Checking the count of sub-elements

    // visit is used to navigate to the URL
    cy.log("navigated to the tutorials hut demo website")
    // the implicit subject here is the testingDropdown element
    // assertion to validate count of sub-elements
    cy.get('#testingDropdown').find('option').should('have.length', 4)

    These are just a few examples of the many assertion functions available in Cypress. Assertions are an essential part of writing tests in Cypress as they help to verify whether the application is working as expected and can catch bugs before they make it to production.

    and Assertion Cypress

    There are scenarios when multiple assertions are required on a single object. You can chain multiple assertions together using .and(), which is another name for .should().  It helps to improve the code readability

        cy.log("navigated to the tutorials hut demo website")
        // the implicit subject here is the testingDropdown element
        // assertion to validate element is visible and  count of sub-elements
        cy.get('#testingDropdown').find('option').should('be.visible').and('have.length', 4)

    .and() is handy when you need to assert multiple things against a single subject quickly.

    Execution Output:

    2_Assertion in cypress_example

    The implicit form is much shorter! So when would you want to use the explicit form?

    Typically when you want to:

      • Assert multiple things about the same subject
      • Massage the subject in some way prior to making the assertion

    Explicit Assertion

    Using expect allows you to pass in a specific subject and make an assertion about it. This is probably how you’re used to seeing assertions written in unit tests:in many cases, external subjects need to be passed and make assertion, it falls under the category of Explicit assertion. This category of assertions contains the commands such as “expect()” and “assert()“, which allow you to pass an explicit subject/object.

    // the explicit subject here is the boolean: true

    See the below code “expect()”:

    describe('Navigate to URL of tutorials Hut', () => {
     it('my first test', () => {
        // visit is used to navigate to the URL
        cy.log("navigated to the tutorials hut demo website")
        // the implicit subject here is the testingDropdown element
        // assertion to validate element is visible and  count of sub-elements
        cy.get('#testingDropdown').find('option').should('be.visible').and('have.length', 4)
      it('expect - explicit assertion sample', () => {
        //Chai's BDD style assertions for using expect
        const obj = { tutorialsHut: 'cypressDemo' }
        expect(obj).to.deep.equal({ tutorialsHut: 'cypressDemo'})
      it('expect - length of elements', () => {
        // visit is used to navigate to the URL
        cy.log("navigated to the tutorials hut demo website")
          .then((option) => {
           //verifies the length of elements  

    Common Assertions in cypress:

    Wide range of assertions are provided in cypress which can be extremely useful during UI automation. Some of the most frequently used Cypress assertions are:


    It validates the count of elements obtained from the previously chained command.




    It validates whether the web element that is located has a specific value.


    cy.get(' #textBox').should('have.value', 'tutorials')


    It validates whether the web element has a certain class.


    cy.get('#textBox').should('have.class', 'txt')


    This assertion is used to validate if the web element possesses a certain text.

    Assertion will pass if the text is present.


    cy.get('#textBox').should('contain', 'tutorials')

    In certain scenarios we need to validate that certain text is not present , in that case not.contain can be used.

    cy.get('#textBox').should('not.contain', 'relax')


    It validates if the web element is visible or not.




    It validates if the web element exists in Document Object Model (DOM).




    It checks whether the web element possesses a certain css property.


    cy.get('#textBox').should('have.css', 'display', 'block');


    It validates the state for radio or checkboxes for the element whether it is checked or not.



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