Tutorials Hut

  • Katalon Studio

       Katalon Studio Features and Setup
       What is Katalon Studio?
       Katalon Features
       Katalon SetUp
       Katalon Studio Toolbars and Views
       Katalon Main Toolbar
       Test Explorer in Katalon
       Keywords Browser in Katalon
       Editors/Views in Katalon
       Create Test Case in Katalon Studio
       Steps to create Test case
       Record and Play in Katalon
       Manual Mode in Katalon
       Script Mode in Katalon
       Test Suite in Katalon Studio
       What is a test suite?
       Steps to create test suite
       Test suite execution settings
       Test Suite Collection in Katalon Studio
       What is a test suite Collection?
       Steps to create test suite Collection
       Test suite Collection execution settings
       Execution Profile in Katalon Studio
       Create New Profile in Katalon
       How To Use Profile in Katalon
       Set Default Profile in Katalon
       Data Driven testing in Katalon Studio
       Global Variables in Katalon
       Test Case Variables in Katalon
       Data files and Binding
       Using custom keywords to Read Files in Katalon
       Data files/Read Files in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from excel file in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from CSV file in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from internal files in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from Database in Katalon
       Data Binding of test cases in Katalon Studio
       Import Test Data from External Excel/ CSV file
       How to create a Test Suite?
       Manage Data Binding to Test suite
       Test Listener/Hooks in Katalon Studio
       What are Test Listeners in Katalon?
       How to create new Test Listeners
       Execution With Test Listener example and flow

  • Katalon Studio Introduction, features and Setup

    This article is about automation testing tool Katalon Studio. We will cover below topics in this article:

    Katalon Studio Introduction, features and Setup

    What is Katalon Studio?

    Katalon tool is a free-licensed tool released in 2015 with a selenium based engine.

    Katalon as a tool is a powerful ,robust automation tool which is can be used as a solution to automate:

      • Web, 
      • API, 
      • Mobile,
      • Desktop apps
      • Provides smart analytics 
      • CI/CD integrations

    Katalon is an automation testing solution provided by Katalon LLC.

    The software of katalon is build on top of the open source automation frameworks like Selenium, Appium with specialized IDE interface for web, API, mobile and desktop application testing.

    Katalon Features

     Katalon as a single tool provides various features:

        • Automate web testing
        • Automate Mobile testing
        • Web Services(API) testing
        • Can do record and playback
        • Easy identification of locators
        • Cross browser testing
        • Code-less experience for beginners
        • Built in project templates
        • Easy integration to continuous development and continuous integration tools like git, qtest, jira etc.
        • Advanced reporting and analytics.

    Katalon Setup

    System Requirements for Katalon setup are as in below table:

    Configuration Requirements
    Operating System Windows 7 ,8,10, macOS 10.11+
    CPU 1GHz or faster
    Memory 1 GB RAM (32 bit) or 2 GB RAM(64 bit)
    Hard Drive Minimum 1 GB available hard disk space

    Steps to download  Katalon Studio:

    1. Go to the official site to download the tool https://www.katalon.com/
    2. Create account by clicking on Start for Free button
    Katalon Studio SignUp

    3.Enter details and verify the account by clicking on the link sent on your email.

    Katalon Studio SignUp enter details

    4. Login and click on “Free Download” button to download Katalon’s latest version.

    Katalon Studio free Download

    5. Once downloaded, copy it in C:drive and open it from there. Click on the Katalon application.

    Katalon Studio Application downloaded

    6. That’s it. It is an easy setup. You are now ready to explore and automate using Katalon and its wonderful features

  • Katalon Studio

       What is Katalon Studio?
       Katalon Features
       Katalon SetUp
       Katalon Studio Toolbars and Views
       Katalon Main Toolbar
       Test Explorer in Katalon
       Keywords Browser in Katalon
       Editors/Views in Katalon
       Create Test Case in Katalon Studio
       Steps to create Test case
       Record and Play in Katalon
       Manual Mode in Katalon
       Script Mode in Katalon
       Test Suite in Katalon Studio
       What is a test suite?
       Steps to create test suite
       Test suite execution settings
       Test Suite Collection in Katalon Studio
       What is a test suite Collection?
       Steps to create test suite Collection
       Test suite Collection execution settings
       Execution Profile in Katalon Studio
       Create New Profile in Katalon
       How To Use Profile in Katalon
       Set Default Profile in Katalon
       Data Driven testing in Katalon Studio
       Global Variables in Katalon
       Test Case Variables in Katalon
       Data files and Binding
       Using custom keywords to Read Files in Katalon
       Data files/Read Files in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from excel file in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from CSV file in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from internal files in Katalon Studio
       How to read data from Database in Katalon
       Data Binding of test cases in Katalon Studio
       Import Test Data from External Excel/ CSV file
       How to create a Test Suite?
       Manage Data Binding to Test suite
       Test Listener/Test Hooks in Katalon Studio
       What are Test Listeners in Katalon?
       How to create new Test Listeners
       Execution With Test Listener example and flow
  • About Author

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