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  • Testing Foundation

      Basics of Software Testing
       What is Software Testing?
       Objective of Testing
       Why is testing necessary?
       Common Terms used in Testing
       Verification Vs Validations
       QA Vs QC
       Debugging Vs Testing
       Seven Testing Principles
       SDLC Vs STLC
       Fundamentals of Test Process
       Software quality Factors
       Software Development Models
       Waterfall Model
       V models
       Iterative Model
       Test Levels
       Component Testing
       Integration Testing
       System Testing
       Acceptance Testing
       Strategies for Integration Testing
       Big Bang
       Stubs and Driver
       Top Down Testing
       Bottom Up Testing
       Test Types
       Functional Testing
       Non- Functional Testing
       Structural Testing
       Re-testing & Regression Testing
       Static AND Dynamic Techniques
       Static Technique
       Dynamic Technique
       Static Analysis by Tools
       White Box Techniques
       Statement Coverage Testing
       Branch Coverage Testing
       Decision Coverage Testing
       Path Coverage
       Black Box Techniques
       Equivalence Partitioning
       Boundary Value Analysis
       Decision Table testing
       State Transition testing
       Experience Based TestingTechniques
       Random Testing
       Exploratory Testing
       Error Guessing
       Functional Testing
       Integration Testing
       Unit Testing
       System Testing
       Smoke testing
       Sanity testing
       Regression Testing
       Usability Testing
       Security Testing
       User Acceptance Testing
       White Box & Black Box Testing
       Globalization & Localization Testing
       Non Functional Testing
       Compatibility testing
       Endurance testing
       Load testing
       Performance testing
       Recovery testing
       Scalability testing
       Stress testing
       Volume testing
       Test Planning and Estimation
       Test Planning
       Test Strategies Vs Test Plan
       Test Approaches
       Risk and Testing
       Product Risks
       Project Risks
       Defect Management
       Defect LifeCycle
       Severity Vs Priority
  • V Model in SDLC | Verification & Validation

        • V Model can also be called as Sequential Development Model .
        • V Model in software engineering came up in order to overcome the drawback of waterfall Model .
        • In V Model process executes in a sequential manner in V-shape.
        • V –Model is based on the association of a testing phase for each corresponding development stage.
        • In V –Model development of each step directly associated with the testing phase
        • SDLC V Model contains Verification phases on one side of the Validation phases on the other side.
        • Verification and Validation process is joined by coding phase in V-shape. So it is called as V-Model.
        • In V Model, testing team involves in the early phases of SDLC and Testing starts in early stages of product development which avoids downward flow of defects.

    Phases of Verification of V-model:

    V Model in SDLC

    1) Business requirements: 

      • It is a step where product Business requirements understood from the customer’s side so the requirements are collected and analyzed.
      • Requirements reviews is the verification Activity
      • Creation of UAT test cases is the validation activity.

    2) System Design or High-level design:

      • The team studies and investigates on how the requirements could be implemented and how team can implement technically.
      • In this stage test team analyse and interpret the business of the proposed system by studying the user requirements document.
      • System Design reviews is the verification activity
      • System test plan, test cases, and traceability metrics is the validation activities 

    3) Architecture Design:

      • System design is divided further into modules taking up different functionalities.
      • The data transfer and communication between the modules or systems is clearly understood.
      • The integration-testing model is carried out this phase.
      • Review HLD is the verification activity.
      • Write Integration test plan and test cases are the validation activity. 

    4) Module Design or low level design :

      • In this phase, the system breaks down into small modules.
      • The detailed design of the modules is specified.
      • Methods, classes, data types, interfaces, etc. are all finalised in this phase.
      • Review LLD is the verification activity.
      • Write Functional test plan and test cases is the validation activity. 

    5) Coding or implementation:

      • Once the coding language is finalised, coding is started with some guidelines and standards.
      • Code review, test cases review is the verification activity
      • Creation of functional test cases is the validation activity.

    Phases of Validation of V-model:

    Unit Testing:

      • Unit testing is carried out during the development of module design.
      • Unit test cases are executed for removing bugs that are found in code at the development phase.
      • Unit Test Plans are developed during the module design phase.
      • Unit testing verifies that each module can function correctly

    Integration Testing:

      • Integration Test Plan is developed during the Architectural Design Phase.
      • Integration testing is carried out where the integration of modules in the system is tested.

    System Testing:

      • System Tests Plans are developed during System Design Phase.
      • The actual and full testing of the application takes place.
      • The traceability metrics are updated to check the coverage and risk mitigated.

    Acceptance Testing:

      • Acceptance testing is related to the business requirement analysis part.
      • Acceptance testing is done to validate that the business requirements are met in the user environment.
      • Functional testing and sometimes nonfunctional testing are also carried out in this phase.

    Advantages of V Model:

      • Investment and re-work is less.
      • Testing is involved in every stage so produced quality product.
      • Test team will be ready with the test cases by the time developers release the software which in turns saves a lot of time
      • Easy to manage as each phase has well defined objectives and goals

    Disadvantages of V Model:

      • It is not a good for a complex project.
      • Initial investment is more because test team involves right from the early stage.
      • If any changes happen in the middle, then the testing documents and other related documents needs to be updated

    When to use the V-Model??

      • For small to medium sized projects where requirements are clearly defined and fixed.
      • Chosen when sample technical resources are available with essential technical expertise.

    Recommended Articles:  


  • Testing Foundation

      Basics of Software Testing
       What is Software Testing?
       Objective of Testing
       Why is testing necessary?
       Common Terms used in Testing
       Verification Vs Validations
       QA Vs QC
       Debugging Vs Testing
       Seven Testing Principles
       SDLC Vs STLC
       Fundamentals of Test Process
       Software quality Factors
       Software Development Models
       Waterfall Model
       V models
       Iterative Model
       Test Levels
       Component Testing
       Integration Testing
       System Testing
       Acceptance Testing
       Strategies for Integration Testing
       Big Bang
       Stubs and Driver
       Top Down Testing
       Bottom Up Testing
       Test Types
       Functional Testing
       Non- Functional Testing
       Structural Testing
       Re-testing & Regression Testing
       Static AND Dynamic Techniques
       Static Technique
       Dynamic Technique
       Static Analysis by Tools
       White Box Techniques
       Statement Coverage Testing
       Branch Coverage Testing
       Decision Coverage Testing
       Path Coverage
       Black Box Techniques
       Equivalence Partitioning
       Boundary Value Analysis
       Decision Table testing
       State Transition testing
       Experience Based TestingTechniques
       Random Testing
       Exploratory Testing
       Error Guessing
       Functional Testing
       Integration Testing
       Unit Testing
       System Testing
       Smoke testing
       Sanity testing
       Regression Testing
       Usability Testing
       Security Testing
       User Acceptance Testing
       White Box & Black Box Testing
       Globalization & Localization Testing
       Non Functional Testing
       Compatibility testing
       Endurance testing
       Load testing
       Performance testing
       Recovery testing
       Scalability testing
       Stress testing
       Volume testing
       Test Planning and Estimation
       Test Planning
       Test Strategies Vs Test Plan
       Test Approaches
       Risk and Testing
       Product Risks
       Project Risks
       Defect Management
       Defect LifeCycle
       Severity Vs Priority

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