Tutorials Hut

  • Testing Foundation

      Basics of Software Testing
       What is Software Testing?
       Objective of Testing
       Why is testing necessary?
       Common Terms used in Testing
       Verification Vs Validations
       QA Vs QC
       Debugging Vs Testing
       Seven Testing Principles
       SDLC Vs STLC
       Fundamentals of Test Process
       Software quality Factors
       Software Development Models
       Waterfall Model
       V models
       Iterative Model
       Test Levels
       Component Testing
       Integration Testing
       System Testing
       Acceptance Testing
       Strategies for Integration Testing
       Big Bang
       Stubs and Driver
       Top Down Testing
       Bottom Up Testing
       Test Types
       Functional Testing
       Non- Functional Testing
       Structural Testing
       Re-testing & Regression Testing
       Static AND Dynamic Techniques
       Static Technique
       Dynamic Technique
       Static Analysis by Tools
       White Box Techniques
       Statement Coverage Testing
       Branch Coverage Testing
       Decision Coverage Testing
       Path Coverage
       Black Box Techniques
       Equivalence Partitioning
       Boundary Value Analysis
       Decision Table testing
       State Transition testing
       Experience Based TestingTechniques
       Random Testing
       Exploratory Testing
       Error Guessing
       Functional Testing
       Integration Testing
       Unit Testing
       System Testing
       Smoke testing
       Sanity testing
       Regression Testing
       Usability Testing
       Security Testing
       User Acceptance Testing
       White Box & Black Box Testing
       Globalization & Localization Testing
       Non Functional Testing
       Compatibility testing
       Endurance testing
       Load testing
       Performance testing
       Recovery testing
       Scalability testing
       Stress testing
       Volume testing
       Test Planning and Estimation
       Test Planning
       Test Strategies Vs Test Plan
       Test Approaches
       Risk and Testing
       Product Risks
       Project Risks
       Defect Management
       Defect LifeCycle
       Severity Vs Priority
  • Structural Testing | White Box Testing | Glass Box Testing

    Structural testing is the type of testing carried out to test the structure of code. It is also known as White Box testing or Glass Box testing. This type of testing requires knowledge of the code, usually done by the developers. 

    Features of Structural testing :

        • Structure testing is applicable to all test levels
        • Measures thoroughness through assessment of coverage
        • Coverage measurement is usually done by a tool
        • This Type of testing approaches can also be applied at the system level based on architecture and hierarchy.

    Structural Testing Techniques:

    Structural Testing Techniques

    1) Statement Coverage :

    Statement coverage technique is aimed at exercising all programming statements with minimal tests. Please refer Statement Coverage for in-depth details.

    2) Branch Coverage:

     Branch coverage technique is running a series of tests to ensure that all branches are tested at least once.Please refer Branch Coverage for in-depth details.

    3) Path Coverage :

    Path Coverage technique corresponds to testing all possible paths which means that each statement and branch are covered. Please refer Path Coverage for in-depth details.

    Advantages of Structural Testing:

      • Provides a more detailed testing of the software.
      • Helps finding out bugs at an early stage.
      • Helps in removing dead code.
      • It does not require a lot of manual work.
      • Not time consuming as it is mostly automated.

    Disadvantages of Structural Testing:

      • Requires training in the tool used for testing
      • Requires knowledge of the code.
      • There is also a slight chance that some lines or statements or branches could be missed accidentally.
      • expensive.

    Structural Testing Tools:

      • JBehave:  BDD tool intended to make the BDD process easy and smooth.

      • Cucumber:  BDD testing tool  used to verify whether an application has met its requirement

      • JUnit:  Used to create a good foundation for developer based testing.

      • Cfix:  A robust unit testing framework used to make a developer based test suite easy.

  • Testing Foundation

      Basics of Software Testing
       What is Software Testing?
       Objective of Testing
       Why is testing necessary?
       Common Terms used in Testing
       Verification Vs Validations
       QA Vs QC
       Debugging Vs Testing
       Seven Testing Principles
       SDLC Vs STLC
       Fundamentals of Test Process
       Software quality Factors
       Software Development Models
       Waterfall Model
       V models
       Iterative Model
       Test Levels
       Component Testing
       Integration Testing
       System Testing
       Acceptance Testing
       Strategies for Integration Testing
       Big Bang
       Stubs and Driver
       Top Down Testing
       Bottom Up Testing
       Test Types
       Functional Testing
       Non- Functional Testing
       Structural Testing
       Re-testing & Regression Testing
       Static AND Dynamic Techniques
       Static Technique
       Dynamic Technique
       Static Analysis by Tools
       White Box Techniques
       Statement Coverage Testing
       Branch Coverage Testing
       Decision Coverage Testing
       Path Coverage
       Black Box Techniques
       Equivalence Partitioning
       Boundary Value Analysis
       Decision Table testing
       State Transition testing
       Experience Based TestingTechniques
       Random Testing
       Exploratory Testing
       Error Guessing
       Functional Testing
       Integration Testing
       Unit Testing
       System Testing
       Smoke testing
       Sanity testing
       Regression Testing
       Usability Testing
       Security Testing
       User Acceptance Testing
       White Box & Black Box Testing
       Globalization & Localization Testing
       Non Functional Testing
       Compatibility testing
       Endurance testing
       Load testing
       Performance testing
       Recovery testing
       Scalability testing
       Stress testing
       Volume testing
       Test Planning and Estimation
       Test Planning
       Test Strategies Vs Test Plan
       Test Approaches
       Risk and Testing
       Product Risks
       Project Risks
       Defect Management
       Defect LifeCycle
       Severity Vs Priority

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