Tutorials Hut

  • Testing Foundation

      Basics of Software Testing
       What is Software Testing?
       Objective of Testing
       Why is testing necessary?
       Common Terms used in Testing
       Verification Vs Validations
       QA Vs QC
       Debugging Vs Testing
       Seven Testing Principles
       SDLC Vs STLC
       Fundamentals of Test Process
       Software quality Factors
       Software Development Models
       Waterfall Model
       V models
       Iterative Model
       Test Levels
       Component Testing
       Integration Testing
       System Testing
       Acceptance Testing
       Strategies for Integration Testing
       Big Bang
       Stubs and Driver
       Top Down Testing
       Bottom Up Testing
       Test Types
       Functional Testing
       Non- Functional Testing
       Structural Testing
       Re-testing & Regression Testing
       Static AND Dynamic Techniques
       Static Technique
       Dynamic Technique
       Static Analysis by Tools
       White Box Techniques
       Statement Coverage Testing
       Branch Coverage Testing
       Decision Coverage Testing
       Path Coverage
       Black Box Techniques
       Equivalence Partitioning
       Boundary Value Analysis
       Decision Table testing
       State Transition testing
       Experience Based TestingTechniques
       Random Testing
       Exploratory Testing
       Error Guessing
       Functional Testing
       Integration Testing
       Unit Testing
       System Testing
       Smoke testing
       Sanity testing
       Regression Testing
       Usability Testing
       Security Testing
       User Acceptance Testing
       White Box & Black Box Testing
       Globalization & Localization Testing
       Non Functional Testing
       Compatibility testing
       Endurance testing
       Load testing
       Performance testing
       Recovery testing
       Scalability testing
       Stress testing
       Volume testing
       Test Planning and Estimation
       Test Planning
       Test Strategies Vs Test Plan
       Test Approaches
       Risk and Testing
       Product Risks
       Project Risks
       Defect Management
       Defect LifeCycle
       Severity Vs Priority
  • Exploratory Testing | Types , Features and drawbacks

    Exploratory testing is a hands-on approach in which testers are involved in minimum planning and maximum test execution.

    What is Exploratory Testing ?

    The tester is constantly making decisions about what to test next and where to spend the (limited) time.


        • Involves concurrent test design, execution, logging and learning how the system behaves by the tester.
        • Tester builds a “mental model” of the system while they test it
        • Exploratory testing technique is usually used when:
            • when  there are few or inadequate specifications  
            • time pressure 
            • complementing more formal testing
            • Less preparation time.
            • In less time  important bugs are found quickly

    Benefits/Advantages for Exploratory testing:

        • It takes less preparation.
        • Critical defects are found very quickly.
        • The testers can use a reasoning based approach on the results of previous results 

    Some drawbacks of Exploratory testing:

        • Tests cannot be reviewed.
        • It is difficult to keep track of what tests have been tested.
        • It is unlikely to be performed in exactly the same manner and to repeat specific details of the earlier tests.

    Types of exploratory testing :

        1. Freestyle exploratory testing

        •  Adhoc exploration of an application’s features 
        •  No rules, not necessary to account for coverage, past tests, etc. 
        • Good for familiarizing yourself with an application to prepare for more sophisticated methods  like  quick smoke tests, sometimes finds bugs
        1. Scenario based 

        • An extension of traditional scenario testing 
        • Start with:  user stories ,E2E scenarios ,test scenarios  and then  widens the scope 
        1. Strategy based exploratory testing

        • Freestyle testing combined with known bug finding techniques 
        • documented strategies like boundary values 
        • intuitive instinct from experience or familiarity with the application
        • Focus is on learning tips and tricks and recognizing when to apply them
        1. Feedback based 

        • Test history is built up that acts as  feedback to guide future exploration 
        • Includes- Test history ,  Coverage ,Churn etc. 
        • Tools are often an integral part of this type of testing as they ‘remember’ history for us

    It is an approach not a technique  Also known as Session-Based Test Management (SBTM).

  • Testing Foundation

      Basics of Software Testing
       What is Software Testing?
       Objective of Testing
       Why is testing necessary?
       Common Terms used in Testing
       Verification Vs Validations
       QA Vs QC
       Debugging Vs Testing
       Seven Testing Principles
       SDLC Vs STLC
       Fundamentals of Test Process
       Software quality Factors
       Software Development Models
       Waterfall Model
       V models
       Iterative Model
       Test Levels
       Component Testing
       Integration Testing
       System Testing
       Acceptance Testing
       Strategies for Integration Testing
       Big Bang
       Stubs and Driver
       Top Down Testing
       Bottom Up Testing
       Test Types
       Functional Testing
       Non- Functional Testing
       Structural Testing
       Re-testing & Regression Testing
       Static AND Dynamic Techniques
       Static Technique
       Dynamic Technique
       Static Analysis by Tools
       White Box Techniques
       Statement Coverage Testing
       Branch Coverage Testing
       Decision Coverage Testing
       Path Coverage
       Black Box Techniques
       Equivalence Partitioning
       Boundary Value Analysis
       Decision Table testing
       State Transition testing
       Experience Based TestingTechniques
       Random Testing
       Exploratory Testing
       Error Guessing
       Functional Testing
       Integration Testing
       Unit Testing
       System Testing
       Smoke testing
       Sanity testing
       Regression Testing
       Usability Testing
       Security Testing
       User Acceptance Testing
       White Box & Black Box Testing
       Globalization & Localization Testing
       Non Functional Testing
       Compatibility testing
       Endurance testing
       Load testing
       Performance testing
       Recovery testing
       Scalability testing
       Stress testing
       Volume testing
       Test Planning and Estimation
       Test Planning
       Test Strategies Vs Test Plan
       Test Approaches
       Risk and Testing
       Product Risks
       Project Risks
       Defect Management
       Defect LifeCycle
       Severity Vs Priority

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