Tutorials Hut

  • Selenium WebDriver

       Selenium Introduction
       Benefits of Selenium
       Four components of Selenium
       Difference b/w Selenium IDE, RC & WebDriver
       Selenium WebDriver Architecture
       Background when user execute selenium code
       Download and Install Java
       Download and Install Eclipse
       Download Selenium WebDriver
       Selenium WebDriver Locators
       Selenium - Launch Browser
       Selenium WebDriver Waits
       Selenium- Implicit wait
       Selenium- Explicit wait
       Selenium- Fluent wait
       Selenium- Commonly used commands
       Selenium- findElement & findElements
       Selenium- Selenium-Handling check Box
       Selenium- Handling Radio button
       Selenium- Handling drop down
       Selenium- Take Screenshot
       Selenium- Handle Web Alerts
       Selenium- Multiple Windows Handling
       Selenium- Handle iframes
       Selenium- Upload a file
       Selenium- Download a file
       Selenium- Actions Class Utilities
       Selenium- Mouse Actions
       Selenium- Keyboards Events
       Selenium- Handle mouse hover Actions
       Selenium- Drag and Drop
       Selenium- Scroll a WebPage
       Selenium- Context Click / Right Click
       Selenium- Double Click
       Selenium- Desired Capabilities
       Selenium- Assertions
       Selenium- Exceptions and Exception Handling
       Selenium- Difference b/w driver.close() & driver.quit()
       Selenium- difference b/w driver.get() & driver.navigate()
       Selenium- JavascriptExecutor
       Selenium- Read excel file using Fillo API
       Selenium- Database Testing using Selenium
       Selenium- Read & write excel file using Apache POI
       Selenium- Read and Write csv file in Selenium
       Selenium- Dynamic Web Table Handling
       Selenium- Maven Integration with Selenium
       Selenium- Set up Logging using Log4j
       Selenium-Implement Extent Report

  • What is the difference between driver.get() and driver.navigate() in Selenium?

    This article will present you with a complete idea about the difference between driver.get() & driver.navigate() and usage of these commands in selenium webdriver.

    Selenium_ difference between driver.get() and driver.navigate()

    Basically, both methods are used for the same purpose and the purpose is to navigate on  URL and open a web page .It is done using an HTTP GET request operation and the method will block until the load is complete.


    driver.get() method is used to open or navigate on  an URL and it will wait till the whole page gets loaded so webDriver will wait until the page has fully loaded before returning control to the test case.

    if the web page uses a lot of AJAX on load then WebDriver may not know when it has completely loaded. If you need to ensure such pages are fully loaded then you can use waits.

    driver.get() command doesn’t maintain the browser History and cookies 

    Practically navigate().to() and get() do exactly the same thing i.e. to load a given URL in the browser window.

    Syntax –



    Navigate Method allows for the browser to move forward(as per browser history) ,Back (as per browser history), Refresh or to open any link so basically It maintains browser history or cookies to navigate back or forward.

    Below command will launch a new web browser window and navigate to the specified URL.


    “navigate()” method returns the instance of the Navigation interface. This interface provides a lot of additional functionalities other than just loading a URL in the Webpage

    below are the additional features provided by this interface:


    This command will refresh the current web page there by reloading all the web elements.

    driver.navigate().refresh() ;


    This command will take back the user to the previous webpage in the web browser’s history.

    driver.navigate().back() ;


    This command will navigate to the next web page with reference to the browser’s history.

    driver.navigate().forward() ;
    Selenium_ difference between driver.get() and driver.navigate() _2

  • Selenium WebDriver Tutorials

       Selenium Introduction
       Benefits of Selenium
       Four components of Selenium
       Difference b/w Selenium IDE, RC & WebDriver
       Selenium WebDriver Architecture
       Background when user execute selenium code
       Download and Install Java
       Download and Install Eclipse
       Download Selenium WebDriver
       Selenium WebDriver Locators
       Selenium - Launch Browser
       Selenium WebDriver Waits
       Selenium- Implicit wait
       Selenium- Explicit wait
       Selenium- Fluent wait
       Selenium- Commonly used commands
       Selenium- findElement & findElements
       Selenium- Selenium-Handling check Box
       Selenium- Handling Radio button
       Selenium- Handling drop down
       Selenium- Take Screenshot
       Selenium- Handle Web Alerts
       Selenium- Multiple Windows Handling
       Selenium- Handle iframes
       Selenium- Upload a file
       Selenium- Download a file
       Selenium- Actions Class Utilities
       Selenium- Mouse Actions
       Selenium- Keyboards Events
       Selenium- Handle mouse hover Actions
       Selenium- Drag and Drop
       Selenium- Scroll a WebPage
       Selenium- Context Click / Right Click
       Selenium- Double Click
       Selenium- Desired Capabilities
       Selenium- Assertions
       Selenium- Exceptions and Exception Handling
       Selenium- Difference b/w driver.close() & driver.quit()
       Selenium- difference b/w driver.get() & driver.navigate()
       Selenium- JavascriptExecutor
       Selenium- Read excel file using Fillo API
       Selenium- Database Testing using Selenium
       Selenium- Read & write excel file using Apache POI
       Selenium- Read and Write csv file in Selenium
       Selenium- Dynamic Web Table Handling
       Selenium- Maven Integration with Selenium
       Selenium- Set up Logging using Log4j
       Selenium-Implement Extent Report

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