Tutorials Hut

  • Selenium WebDriver

       Selenium Introduction
       Benefits of Selenium
       Four components of Selenium
       Difference b/w Selenium IDE, RC & WebDriver
       Selenium WebDriver Architecture
       Background when user execute selenium code
       Download and Install Java
       Download and Install Eclipse
       Download Selenium WebDriver
       Selenium WebDriver Locators
       Selenium - Launch Browser
       Selenium WebDriver Waits
       Selenium- Implicit wait
       Selenium- Explicit wait
       Selenium- Fluent wait
       Selenium- Commonly used commands
       Selenium- findElement & findElements
       Selenium- Selenium-Handling check Box
       Selenium- Handling Radio button
       Selenium- Handling drop down
       Selenium- Take Screenshot
       Selenium- Handle Web Alerts
       Selenium- Multiple Windows Handling
       Selenium- Handle iframes
       Selenium- Upload a file
       Selenium- Download a file
       Selenium- Actions Class Utilities
       Selenium- Mouse Actions
       Selenium- Keyboards Events
       Selenium- Handle mouse hover Actions
       Selenium- Drag and Drop
       Selenium- Scroll a WebPage
       Selenium- Context Click / Right Click
       Selenium- Double Click
       Selenium- Desired Capabilities
       Selenium- Assertions
       Selenium- Exceptions and Exception Handling
       Selenium- Difference b/w driver.close() & driver.quit()
       Selenium- difference b/w driver.get() & driver.navigate()
       Selenium- JavascriptExecutor
       Selenium- Read excel file using Fillo API
       Selenium- Database Testing using Selenium
       Selenium- Read & write excel file using Apache POI
       Selenium- Read and Write csv file in Selenium
       Selenium- Dynamic Web Table Handling
       Selenium- Maven Integration with Selenium
       Selenium- Set up Logging using Log4j
       Selenium-Implement Extent Report

  • How to implement Extent Report in Selenium Automation project ?

    In this tutorials we will learn about everything about how to integrate Extent Report in Selenium Automation Project .

    Selenium provide inbuilt html reports if we use testing frameworks like testNG and Junit. TestNG generates html reports but they are not more readable and interactive .

    So we can use Extent Report for more readable and interactive reports by ding some basic configurations.

    Lets understand how can we implement Extent report in our Selenium Test Automation Project.

    1-How to implement Extent Report in Selenium Automation project _

    What is Extent Reports?

    Extent Reports is an open-source HTML reporting library useful for test automation.

    It can be easily integrated with major testing frameworks like JUnit, NUnit, TestNG, etc

    Extent reports generate HTML reports showing results with charts like pie charts.

    In Extent report , each test step can be associated with a screenshot.

    Extent reports also shows total execution time and time taken by each test cases as well.

    Extent Reports in Selenium contain two classes which we used

      • ExtentReports class
      • ExtentTest class

    And there are few methods of these classes can be used during implementation

     startTest : Executes preconditions of a test case
    endTest: Executes postconditions of a test case
    Log: Logs the status of each test step onto the HTML report being generated
    Flush: Erases any previous data on a relevant report and creates a whole new report

    How to implement Extent Report in Selenium Automation Project


    Below are few prerequisites required for using extent Reports

      1. Java should be installed on machine
      2. TestNG plugin on IDE
      3. extent-config.xml (where we can set few configurations of the report )
      4. Extent Report Jars or can add dependency in pom.xml

    Steps to be followed for Extent Report implementation

      1. Create a Maven Project .
      2. Add required dependencies in pom.xml for Extent Report implementation (Jars can be downloaded if it is not a maven project)

    Selenium :



    <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.github.bonigarcia/webdrivermanager -->


      <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.testng/testng -->

    Extent Report Dependency:

     <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.relevantcodes/extentreports -->

    Create ExtentReportTest class and add below code in that, I have added comment wherever required

    package MyFirstMavenProject.MavenProject;
    import java.io.File;
    import org.testng.Assert;
    import org.testng.ITestResult;
    import org.testng.SkipException;
    import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
    import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest;
    import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
    import org.testng.annotations.Test;
    import com.relevantcodes.extentreports.ExtentReports;
    import com.relevantcodes.extentreports.ExtentTest;
    import com.relevantcodes.extentreports.LogStatus;
    public class ExtentReportTest {
    	ExtentReports extentReport;
    	ExtentTest extentTest;
    	public void startTestReport() {
    		// initialize ExtentReport by passing path where we store ExtentReport
    		// and second parameter is Boolean replaceExting
    		// replaceExting = true (new report will replace existing report)
    		extentReport = new ExtentReports(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/test-output/Extent.html", true);
    				new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "src/main/java/com/config/extentReportConfig.xml"));
    		// To add system or environment info by using the setSystemInfo method.
    		extentReport.addSystemInfo("Host Name", "Tutorials Hut");
    		extentReport.addSystemInfo("User Name", "tutorialshutuser");
    		extentReport.addSystemInfo("Environment", "QA");
    		// Allows performing configuration and customization to the HTML report
    		// from local resource as mentioned in the 'extent-config.xml'
    		extentReport.loadConfig(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\extent-config.xml"));
    	public void firstTestCase() {
    		// Calling startTest() generates a toggle for the test in the HTML file
    		// and adds all log events under this level.
    		// startTest(java.lang.String testName)
    		extentTest = extentReport.startTest("FirstTestCase");
    		// writing the log for first test case in the report
    		extentTest.log(LogStatus.PASS, "FirstTestCase is passed");
    	public void secondTestCase() {
    		extentTest = extentReport.startTest("secondTestCase");
    		extentTest.log(LogStatus.FAIL, "secondTestCase is failed");
    	public void thirdTestCase() {
    		extentTest = extentReport.startTest("thirdTestCase");
    		throw new SkipException("thirdTestCase is skipped");
    	public void getResult(ITestResult result) {
    		if (result.getStatus() == ITestResult.FAILURE) {
    			extentTest.log(LogStatus.FAIL, "Test Case Failed is " + result.getName());
    			extentTest.log(LogStatus.FAIL, "Test Case Failed is " + result.getThrowable());
    		} else if (result.getStatus() == ITestResult.SKIP) {
    			extentTest.log(LogStatus.SKIP, "Test Case Skipped is " + result.getName());
    		// ends the current test and prepares to create HTML report
    	public void endTestReport() {
    		// Appends the HTML file with all the ended tests. There
    		// Closes the underlying stream and clears all resources

    3) Create a ‘extent-config.xml’ file and add below set of code in that

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- report theme -->
    <!-- standard, dark -->

    <!-- document encoding -->
    <!-- defaults to UTF-8 -->

    <!-- protocol for script and stylesheets -->
    <!-- defaults to https -->

    <!-- title of the document -->
    <documentTitle>ExtentReports 2.0</documentTitle>

    <!-- report name - displayed at top-nav -->

    <!-- report headline - displayed at top-nav, after reportHeadline -->
    <reportHeadline>Automation Report</reportHeadline>

    <!-- global date format override -->
    <!-- defaults to yyyy-MM-dd -->

    <!-- global time format override -->
    <!-- defaults to HH:mm:ss -->

    <!-- custom javascript -->
    $(document).ready(function() {
    <!-- custom styles -->


    4)Run Class ExtentReportTest as TestNg test and below is the test case status

    2-How to implement Extent Report in Selenium Automation project _

    5) As per the report path mentioned in above code ,open Extent.html report stored in test-output folder. below are few screenshots of the generated report

    3-How to implement Extent Report in Selenium Automation project _
    4-How to implement Extent Report in Selenium Automation project _

    6) If there is a requirement where we have to add evidence of the failed test cases then we have to modify the code like below and replace below methods

    	public void getResult(ITestResult result) {
    		if (result.getStatus() == ITestResult.FAILURE) {
    			extentTest.log(LogStatus.FAIL, "Test Case Failed is " + result.getName());
    			extentTest.log(LogStatus.FAIL, "Test Case Failed is " + result.getThrowable());
    			String screenshotPath=getScreenshot(driver,result.getName());
            extentTest.log(LogStatus.FAIL, extentTest.addScreenCapture("path of screenshot need to be stored"));
    		} else if (result.getStatus() == ITestResult.SKIP) {
    			extentTest.log(LogStatus.SKIP, "Test Case Skipped is " + result.getName());
    		// ends the current test and prepares to create HTML report
    	public  String getScreenshot(WebDriver driver,String screenshotName) throws IOException{
    		String dateName=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddhhmmss").format(new Date());
    				TakesScreenshot ts=(TakesScreenshot)driver;
    				File source =ts.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
    				String destination =System.getProperty("user.dir")+"/screenshots/"+screenshotName+"_"+dateName+".jpeg";
    				File finalDestination=new File(destination);
    				FileUtils.copyFile(source, finalDestination);
    				return destination;

  • Selenium WebDriver Tutorials

       Selenium Introduction
       Benefits of Selenium
       Four components of Selenium
       Difference b/w Selenium IDE, RC & WebDriver
       Selenium WebDriver Architecture
       Background when user execute selenium code
       Download and Install Java
       Download and Install Eclipse
       Download Selenium WebDriver
       Selenium WebDriver Locators
       Selenium - Launch Browser
       Selenium WebDriver Waits
       Selenium- Implicit wait
       Selenium- Explicit wait
       Selenium- Fluent wait
       Selenium- Commonly used commands
       Selenium- findElement & findElements
       Selenium- Selenium-Handling check Box
       Selenium- Handling Radio button
       Selenium- Handling drop down
       Selenium- Take Screenshot
       Selenium- Handle Web Alerts
       Selenium- Multiple Windows Handling
       Selenium- Handle iframes
       Selenium- Upload a file
       Selenium- Download a file
       Selenium- Actions Class Utilities
       Selenium- Mouse Actions
       Selenium- Keyboards Events
       Selenium- Handle mouse hover Actions
       Selenium- Drag and Drop
       Selenium- Scroll a WebPage
       Selenium- Context Click / Right Click
       Selenium- Double Click
       Selenium- Desired Capabilities
       Selenium- Assertions
       Selenium- Exceptions and Exception Handling
       Selenium- Difference b/w driver.close() & driver.quit()
       Selenium- difference b/w driver.get() & driver.navigate()
       Selenium- JavascriptExecutor
       Selenium- Read excel file using Fillo API
       Selenium- Database Testing using Selenium
       Selenium- Read & write excel file using Apache POI
       Selenium- Read and Write csv file in Selenium
       Selenium- Dynamic Web Table Handling
       Selenium- Maven Integration with Selenium
       Selenium- Set up Logging using Log4j
       Selenium-Implement Extent Report

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