Tutorials Hut

  • Selenium WebDriver

       Selenium Introduction
       Benefits of Selenium
       Four components of Selenium
       Difference b/w Selenium IDE, RC & WebDriver
       Selenium WebDriver Architecture
       Background when user execute selenium code
       Download and Install Java
       Download and Install Eclipse
       Download Selenium WebDriver
       Selenium WebDriver Locators
       Selenium - Launch Browser
       Selenium WebDriver Waits
       Selenium- Implicit wait
       Selenium- Explicit wait
       Selenium- Fluent wait
       Selenium- Commonly used commands
       Selenium- findElement & findElements
       Selenium- Selenium-Handling check Box
       Selenium- Handling Radio button
       Selenium- Handling drop down
       Selenium- Take Screenshot
       Selenium- Handle Web Alerts
       Selenium- Multiple Windows Handling
       Selenium- Handle iframes
       Selenium- Upload a file
       Selenium- Download a file
       Selenium- Actions Class Utilities
       Selenium- Mouse Actions
       Selenium- Keyboards Events
       Selenium- Handle mouse hover Actions
       Selenium- Drag and Drop
       Selenium- Scroll a WebPage
       Selenium- Context Click / Right Click
       Selenium- Double Click
       Selenium- Desired Capabilities
       Selenium- Assertions
       Selenium- Exceptions and Exception Handling
       Selenium- Difference b/w driver.close() & driver.quit()
       Selenium- difference b/w driver.get() & driver.navigate()
       Selenium- JavascriptExecutor
       Selenium- Read excel file using Fillo API
       Selenium- Database Testing using Selenium
       Selenium- Read & write excel file using Apache POI
       Selenium- Read and Write csv file in Selenium
       Selenium- Dynamic Web Table Handling
       Selenium- Maven Integration with Selenium
       Selenium- Set up Logging using Log4j
       Selenium-Implement Extent Report

  • How to Handle Web Alert and Popups using Selenium WebDriver ?

    In this article we will understand all about selenium Web Alert and Popups for e.g. what are alerts in selenium and how to handle them.

    Handle Web Alerts using selenium- main

    We will learn below topics in this article

    Introduction to Alert / popups in selenium

    When User fills in any form and forgot to add mandatory fields and click on submit Button then sometimes the system throws an alert , which shows a message like ‘Please fill the mandatory fields’ . It is basically called an alert.

    So Alerts are small popups which display the messages and notify the user with some information on certain actions required from the user side .

    Alerts  may be also used for warning purposes

    Alerts are basically an interface between the current web page and UI.

    Different types of Alert and popups:

    During writing test scripts using selenium WebDriver, We may get alert which can be either  application dependent or the OS dependent 

    We can divide the alerts into two categories

      1. Windows-based alert 
      2. Web-based alert

    1) Windows-based alert 

    Windows-based alert are generated by invoking the operating systems APIs  and these alerts/popups are system generated 

    For Handling Windows based alerts , We require third party libraries or tools as selenium is an automation tool for automating web Application only.

    So for automating Windows based alerts we have to use third party tools like AutoIT and Robot Class in Java.

    Windows based alert basically look like as

    Selenium- Windows Alert

    2) Web-based alert

    Web-based alerts are basically browser dependent and also called JavaScript popups 

    Whenever you click on any button or submit any  form  that displays a message and HTML page asks you for some extra information. This is a web based alert.

    Selenium- Web Alert

    Different Types of Web Alerts in Selenium

    There are mainly  three types of Web Alerts

      1. Simple Alert
      2. Prompt Alert
      3. Confirmation Alert

    1) Simple Alert

    Simple Alert  displays some information or warning and an OK button.

    Its objective is to display some information to the user.

    selenium Simple Alert

    2) Prompt Alert

    Prompt Alert shows an input box to add text or value to the alert box and it is used when the user is required to enter the input.

    selenium Prompt Alert

    3) Confirmation Alert

    This alert has an option to accept or dismiss the alert. 

    So basically we useAlert.accept() to accept the alert and Alert.dismiss() to dismiss the alert.

    selenium Confirmation Alert

    How to Handle Web Alerts using Selenium Webdriver?

    Selenium WebDriver provides below methods to accept ,reject , retrieve text and typing the text in the input box for the Alert 

    1. void dismiss()

    It is used to click on the ‘Cancel’ button of the alert.



    2. void accept()

    It  is used to click on the ‘Ok’ button of the alert.



    3. String getText()

    It is used to retrieve the alert message.



    4. void sendKeys(String stringToSend)

    It  is used to send value to the alert box.


    Selenium Web Alert Exercise

    Let us understand above methods in below scenarios:

      1. Launch Chrome Browser
      2. Open URL: https://tutorialshut.com/demo-website-for-selenium-automation-practice/
      3. Click on the “Generate Alert box” button and Click on ‘Ok ‘
      4. Click on the “Generate Alert box” button and Click on ‘Cancel’
      5. Click on the Enter text in Alert Box” button and Enter the text in text box , Click on ‘OK’ button
      6. Close the browser

    Code Implementation

    package com.test;
    import org.openqa.selenium.By;
    import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
    import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
    import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager;
    import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
    import org.openqa.selenium.Alert;
    public class HandlingAlerts {
    public static WebDriver driver;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
    // Create a new instance of the Chrome driver
    System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "D:\\Drivers\\chromedriver.exe");
    driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    // Launch the URL
    // Maximize the window
    // ****Click on the "Generate Alert box" button , Display Alert Message
    // and Click on 'OK' *****
    // Click on generate alert Box button
    driver.findElement(By.linkText("Generate Alert Box")).click();
    // Switching to Alert
    Alert alertForAccept = driver.switchTo().alert();
    // Capturing alert message.
    String alertMessage = driver.switchTo().alert().getText();
    // Displaying alert message
    // Accepting alert
    // ************Click on the "Generate Alert box" button and Click on
    // ‘Cancel’ ********
    // Click on generate alert Box button
    driver.findElement(By.linkText("Generate Alert Box")).click();
    // Switching to Alert
    Alert alertForCancel = driver.switchTo().alert();
    // *****Click on the Enter text in Alert Box" button and Enter the text
    // in text box , Click on ‘OK’ button
    // Click on generate alert Box button
    driver.findElement(By.linkText("Enter text in Alert Box")).click();
    // Switching to Alert
    Alert promptAlert = driver.switchTo().alert();
    // Accepting alert
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