Tutorials Hut

  • Selenium WebDriver

       Selenium Introduction
       Benefits of Selenium
       Four components of Selenium
       Difference b/w Selenium IDE, RC & WebDriver
       Selenium WebDriver Architecture
       Background when user execute selenium code
       Download and Install Java
       Download and Install Eclipse
       Download Selenium WebDriver
       Selenium WebDriver Locators
       Selenium - Launch Browser
       Selenium WebDriver Waits
       Selenium- Implicit wait
       Selenium- Explicit wait
       Selenium- Fluent wait
       Selenium- Commonly used commands
       Selenium- findElement & findElements
       Selenium- Selenium-Handling check Box
       Selenium- Handling Radio button
       Selenium- Handling drop down
       Selenium- Take Screenshot
       Selenium- Handle Web Alerts
       Selenium- Multiple Windows Handling
       Selenium- Handle iframes
       Selenium- Upload a file
       Selenium- Download a file
       Selenium- Actions Class Utilities
       Selenium- Mouse Actions
       Selenium- Keyboards Events
       Selenium- Handle mouse hover Actions
       Selenium- Drag and Drop
       Selenium- Scroll a WebPage
       Selenium- Context Click / Right Click
       Selenium- Double Click
       Selenium- Desired Capabilities
       Selenium- Assertions
       Selenium- Exceptions and Exception Handling
       Selenium- Difference b/w driver.close() & driver.quit()
       Selenium- difference b/w driver.get() & driver.navigate()
       Selenium- JavascriptExecutor
       Selenium- Read excel file using Fillo API
       Selenium- Database Testing using Selenium
       Selenium- Read & write excel file using Apache POI
       Selenium- Read and Write csv file in Selenium
       Selenium- Dynamic Web Table Handling
       Selenium- Maven Integration with Selenium
       Selenium- Set up Logging using Log4j
       Selenium-Implement Extent Report

  • Upload a file in Selenium using sendKeys(), AutoIT Tool and Robot Class

    This article will present you with a complete idea about how to upload a file in selenium webdriver , there are multiple methods to perform to achieve this task ( Selenium upload file )  so lets understand how we can achieve this.

    Files uploading using Selenium can be done with the below methods:

      1. Upload a file using sendKeys() method in Selenium
      2. Upload a file using AutoIT tool in Selenium
      3. Upload a file with the help of Robot Class in Selenium

    Upload using sendKeys method in Selenium

    When you want to upload files locally then you can directly use sendKeys () and give a path in code. However, the same thing will not work remotely.

    It is an inbuilt feature for file upload in Selenium.

    It directly applies to input tags which have an attribute as type=’file’ ,

    For example –

    <input type=”file” element

    Upload a file - Sendkeys- Selenium
    <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="parse_file.php" method="post">
    <p>Browse for a file to upload: </p>
    <input type="file" name="uploadsubmit">
    <input type="submit" value="SUBMIT">
    WebElement uploadElement = driver.findElement(By.xpath("***xpath of element/button****"));

    Lets understand how we can achieve  this  using below scenario


      1. Inspect the element or the button provided for file upload.
      2. Using sendKeys, Browse the path where the actual file to be uploaded. 
      3. Paste the path using sendKeys 
      4. Click on the save or submit button and the file will be seen uploaded.

    Code implementation

    package com.test;
    import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
    import org.openqa.selenium.*;
    import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
    public class UploadFile {
    public static WebDriver driver;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Create a new instance of the Chrome driver
    System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "D:\\Drivers\\chromedriver.exe");
    driver = new ChromeDriver();
    // Launch the URL
    driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    // Identify upload button
    WebElement uploadElement = driver.findElement(By.id("uploadfile_0"));
    // enter the file path onto the file-selection input field
    // click the "UploadFile" button

    How to upload using AutoIT tool in Selenium

    • AutoIT is a third party tool and an open-source automation tool  , It is not provided by selenium.
    • AutoIT creates a .exe file and runs only on Windows and basically It is not recommended  to use AutoIT for File upload. 
    • AutoIT is used to automate windows related pop up for example combination of keystrokes, mouse movements, and windows popup

    Below are the steps used for writing scripts using AutoIT

    1.   Download and Install AutoIT using  URL https://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/downloads/

    Download AutoIT- Selenium
      1.   After download you will get two setup files as shown in below screen, first is AutoIt version 3 setup and second is Scitautoit3 .
      2. Setup AutoIT using both the files by clicking one by one
      3. Once It is Installed – open up AutoIT Editor (C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE’)
      4.  Write below AutoIT scripts in AutoIT editor and save is as ‘UploadFile.au3’ 

        WinWaitActive("File Upload")   
    AutoITEditor Selenium

    Explanation of Above code

    WinWaitActive(“File Upload”)  – Changes focus of cursor on the Window popup box to upload file.

    below are the parameters used specific to each browser

    File Upload – In Firefox

    Open – In chrome

    File To Upload – In IE

    Send(“D:\UploadFile.pdf”) :  Give location of the upload file once windows popup is active

    Send(“{ENTER}”) : Clicks on Enter to upload a file

    6- Convert .au3 file format into .exe format (Right click on the file and click on compile scripts then it will convert and generate .exe file of the same)

    AutoIT Compile Script Selenium

    7-Use below command for executing the scripts

    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("File Path of AutoIt.exe");
    Code Implementation
    package com.test;
    import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
    import org.openqa.selenium.*;
    import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
    public class UploadFileUsingAutoIT {
    public static WebDriver driver;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Create a new instance of the Chrome driver
    System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "D:\\Drivers\\chromedriver.exe");
    driver = new ChromeDriver();
    // Launch the URL
    driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    // Identify upload button
    WebElement uploadElement = driver.findElement(By.id("uploadfile_0"));
    //To click on the 'browse' button
    //To call the AutoIt script
    //'close' method is used to close the browser window

    Upload using Robot class

    Robot class is used for handling the keyboard functions, mouse related functions etc 

    Below are few examples of methods of Robot class which we will using during upload 

    keyPress – Press a given key

    keyrelease – Releases a given key 

    Main disadvantage of using Robot class is that Keyboard or mouse related events would only work on the current instance of the window and if any other windows opens during execution then the mouse or keyboard event still remains on the previous window.


    1)Click on upload File button


    2) Copy file location on the clipboard

    StringSelection stringSelection = new StringSelection(“D:\\newFile.pdf”);
    Clipboard clipboard=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
    clipboard.setContents(stringSelection, null);

    3) Paste file location into the filename field of the File Upload dialog box //native key strokes for CTRL, V and ENTER keys

    Robot robot = new Robot();

    Code Implementation

    public void uploadFileUsingRobot(String fileLocation, WebElement chooseFileButton) {
        try {
         // Setting clipboard with file location
            // native key strokes for CTRL, V and ENTER keys
           Robot robot = null;
            robot = new Robot();
        } catch (Exception e) {
    public static void setClipboardData(String string) {
        // StringSelection is a class that can be used for copy and paste operations.
        StringSelection stringSelection = new StringSelection(string);
        Clipboard clipboard=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
        clipboard.setContents(stringSelection, null);

  • Selenium WebDriver Tutorials

       Selenium Introduction
       Benefits of Selenium
       Four components of Selenium
       Difference b/w Selenium IDE, RC & WebDriver
       Selenium WebDriver Architecture
       Background when user execute selenium code
       Download and Install Java
       Download and Install Eclipse
       Download Selenium WebDriver
       Selenium WebDriver Locators
       Selenium - Launch Browser
       Selenium WebDriver Waits
       Selenium- Implicit wait
       Selenium- Explicit wait
       Selenium- Fluent wait
       Selenium- Commonly used commands
       Selenium- findElement & findElements
       Selenium- Selenium-Handling check Box
       Selenium- Handling Radio button
       Selenium- Handling drop down
       Selenium- Take Screenshot
       Selenium- Handle Web Alerts
       Selenium- Multiple Windows Handling
       Selenium- Handle iframes
       Selenium- Upload a file
       Selenium- Download a file
       Selenium- Actions Class Utilities
       Selenium- Mouse Actions
       Selenium- Keyboards Events
       Selenium- Handle mouse hover Actions
       Selenium- Drag and Drop
       Selenium- Scroll a WebPage
       Selenium- Context Click / Right Click
       Selenium- Double Click
       Selenium- Desired Capabilities
       Selenium- Assertions
       Selenium- Exceptions and Exception Handling
       Selenium- Difference b/w driver.close() & driver.quit()
       Selenium- difference b/w driver.get() & driver.navigate()
       Selenium- JavascriptExecutor
       Selenium- Read excel file using Fillo API
       Selenium- Database Testing using Selenium
       Selenium- Read & write excel file using Apache POI
       Selenium- Read and Write csv file in Selenium
       Selenium- Dynamic Web Table Handling
       Selenium- Maven Integration with Selenium
       Selenium- Set up Logging using Log4j
       Selenium-Implement Extent Report
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